Monday, July 11, 2005

Bath Tub of Pleasure

There are few things that will melt away whatever is plaguing your mind like a hot bath, candle light, and a Damien Rice CD (or something along those musical lines)...I was indulging in just such an experience when it occurred to me just how much Satan has twisted that word. Pleasure. Pleasures. One of my Favorite quotes about Pleasure is by Eric Little in Chariots of Fire, "When I run, I can feel His Pleasure." It reminds me that Pleasure is from the Lord...And like many things the Lord has given us, Satan has sought to defame and twist what God intended to be a blessing in our lives. I enjoy feeling His pleasure. Nothing else on earth can compare to it...No female, No Pride, No sense of accomplishment...Nothing. There is nothing that can compare to the unadulterated flowing of the Holy Spirit as He fill us with the Pleasure of the Lord. Not that the pleasure of a hot bath is isn' long as (in the words of C.S. Lewis) don't settle for making mud pies when Christ wants to offer us a Holiday at the Sea.


At 11:23 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

"My enemy will say, 'I have overcome him,' and my foes will rejoice when I fall. But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me" Psalm 13:4-6
On a lighter note...did you use bubbles. A bath is not the same without bubbles. :)


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