Friday, August 12, 2005

Button of joy

I am quickly coming to the realization that I am suffering from many acute symptoms that are most often associated with that rare and wierd disease called "Blogatonic Whorenious" or "Bloghor" for short. There are so many interesting and psycho people on this website that it is an adventure every time you click on that little innocent button labeled "Next Blog". Sure it might sound innocent but just on little click you are on your way to who knows where to read who knows what about who knows...well, who!
Basically, if you are not suffering from back problems or pregnant (cause if you are this could cause serious health risks which I will not be held liable for) and you are looking for a little something to spice up your life or just want to be comforted by the fact that there is someone out there wierder than you that little button of adventure called "Next Blog"!


At 6:46 AM, Blogger Sarah Kay said...

Are you the kind of person that comments on strangers blogs? That sort of freaks me out, especially when you see that their blog is all written in a foreign language and you wonder if their blogging about something you said but can't read it. (Okay maybe I should switch to decaf)


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