Monday, February 20, 2006

Beck around town

Becky and I at the Annual 2006 Plug Super Bowl Party. We really didn't care who won but we had a blast with the people there and the Urban Market was a great venue.

Furtherdown is Beck and I at a special ;) dinner @ La Duni. What a hottie!!


At 6:39 AM, Blogger Rebecca said...

"What a hottie"--Now I know that this blog is all about you but do you have to continually praise your looks? Because we all know it is true however could you at least say something about mine? ILY!

At 6:41 AM, Blogger Rebecca said...

"What a hottie"-I know that this is your blog but it doesn't always have to be about you. We all know your hot but it wouldn't hurt you to say something about my looks every know and then. :)~ ILY!


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