Sunday, August 28, 2005

A little sunday football...

Harley and I after playing some sunday football with the Plug crew...ahh, that kitchen floor is so nice and cool...boy i need to sweep more than once a month (just kidding...sort of...) ok, so this is a little dramatized but i do need to find time to get out and run more than twice a week...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Be Holy [BH]

God gave me a wake up call this morning (quite literally actually) about what it means to be be set a part. Growing up in church, I always heard people quoting 1 Peter 1:15-16 (which in part is quoting the old Testament {Lev. 20:7}) "But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy." But for some reason, I don't think it really hit home until this morning.
This is not just a command to be a nice guy, respect your girlfriend, go to church, love people, give your tithe, and generally be a good example; In fact, it isn't a command to do ANY of those things! I think that "Be Holy as I am Holy" isn't about specifically doing (action) anything: it is a heart condition...a challenge to be "set apart"...not just maintaining the status quo but rather breaking that mold and living a life that is leaps and bounds beyond being a "good" Christian or being well respected in the church. And I think this is something that I have (whether consciously or not) failed to strive for in my pursuit of Him.
But now I have no choice. This truth has been laid on my heart and to ignore it would be a slap in His face...I am a little daunted to say the least because I know this will mean changes in my lifestyle, my relationships, and my work. But I have to do this...To do anything else is to not use my time on earth to the greatest effectiveness for the kingdom.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I love to come across new tech developments and new programs, particularly the ones that let you do communication on the net...I recently was introduced to one of these programs by Becky (yet another plus to dating the best looking techie I have ever known ;). Skype is a program that is becoming a larger and larger thorn in the side of the major telecommunications companies (like AT&T and Sprint) because you can talk for free over the internet (computer to computer) and for pennies for computer to phone. I have tried both and the first thing I noticed was the marked quality in sound and the complete lack of delay in conversation. I have tried other internet voice chatting programs but this one not only has the highest quality sound but also there is no delay in the relay of conversation. I have not tried the international computer to computer so I can not speak to the capabilities there, but if the national is any indication I am sure that it is a step above the rest.

Friday, August 12, 2005


I heard someone say that they were the most organized disorganized person they know....and as happens on occasion, I started thinking about it...I think that is probably one of the best descriptions for me that I have heard in a long time. To the absent bystander, my working and living space can seem a bit cluttered from time to time, a fact that my boss seems to love to gripe about even though his space is usually far more out of control than mine. Yet however cluttered it may seem, I know where everything is...not that I don't lose things from time to time, but generally I am able to find whatever I am looking for...Organized Chaos =)

Button of joy

I am quickly coming to the realization that I am suffering from many acute symptoms that are most often associated with that rare and wierd disease called "Blogatonic Whorenious" or "Bloghor" for short. There are so many interesting and psycho people on this website that it is an adventure every time you click on that little innocent button labeled "Next Blog". Sure it might sound innocent but just on little click you are on your way to who knows where to read who knows what about who knows...well, who!
Basically, if you are not suffering from back problems or pregnant (cause if you are this could cause serious health risks which I will not be held liable for) and you are looking for a little something to spice up your life or just want to be comforted by the fact that there is someone out there wierder than you that little button of adventure called "Next Blog"!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Tales From An Innocent Bystander

Tales From An Innocent Bystander

I was perusing the bowels of Blogger and came across this blog; i am not sure if it is the UK flavor, or the British humor that taints his words, or perhaps it was just sheer bordom at the time, but I enjoyed reading the frist several entries and would like to read more....

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


...I choose to look stupid in your eyes, so that you may know that I serve someone who is far wiser than both of us...
You might recognize that from the description from my blog...I was reading it this evening and think maybe a little change is needed. Is it just me or does it sound a little pompous to say that I am doing something so that someone else will know that I serve Christ...I mean, on one hand, if you look at my life in any given day, you are bound to find actions in it that are not serving Christ...So can I say that I am universally serving Christ when I am often not? Or is it considered serving to be attempting to follow Christ's example even though I am not always successful...Is the service really through the struggle?

I wonder if the description shouldn't read, "...I may look stupid in your eyes, but this is so that you know I strive to serve someone greater and wise than both of us..."

The moblog

Yeah, so I decided to try and see how many '-blog' elements I could put on this site and I am pleased to say that I have come up with one more... Go check out my "moblog" (which is a mobile blog) here. A mobile blog is...well...a blog that you post to from your mobile. (That's the british word for cell phone for all you yanks!) =) Let me know what you think...

Interesting Article


I am in Atlanta to shoot Chick-fil-A for the second time this year...(that is I am producing the shoot, not necessarily pushing the button on the camera) and I diet all year just to come to ATL for this shoot....Partly because it is good to watch what you eat...But mostly because it is good to spend two weeks out of the year watching yourself eating a BUCKET load of free Chick-fil-A and gourmet food that is served at Chick-fil-A corporate. I love this place. Below are a couple of the shots that we have done...(I got this image from goggle cause it has a nice animation to it....)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

John Smith Commercials

These commercials are some that I saw while working in london...Snooker and Babies are two of my favorites hands-down. ("Babies" as the title might suggest is a little more adult themed...) John Smith is an ok Ale, but these commecials had me rolling...

Tony & Harley

Just so you can laugh without feeling guilty, no dogs, humans or couches were permanently damaged in the making of these two films...There isn't a whole lot to say about them...Tony just has a way with my dog Harley! :)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

a hole in my gas tank...

So the title pretty much says it all....I went to the gas station this morning before work, put in 10 bucks of gas, and then, in an unexpected turn, the gas made an encore appearance at the rear of my vehicle. Realizing that this was not an everyday occurrence, I was both excited (because I mean really, we pay for gas all the time but who has the privilege of actually meeting it first hand) and slightly confused at why I was the one to receive such a blessing. I then realized there was an eraser-sized whole that was 'setting the juice loose'. Anyway, I love "Baby" (that is my car) but she has been spending and awful lot of time in the shop lately....

Monday, August 01, 2005

A letter to myself from long ago....=)